Some of these sample layouts of the music app show examples of different emotions with different underlying context but with same intensity. Intensity is a factor that is something that corresponds with not only audio or how the music is sang but also takes the lyrics into consideration. Intensity basically gives us information about the degree to which a specific feeling is exaggerated. Color corresponds to emotion , the array of shapes displayed at the bottom of the 3D visualizer indicates the context ( lyrics based ) and rhythm gives us more information about the intensity levels.
Filters for Real-Time
Any real-time video would require a spontaneous output based on changing input that hasn't been recorded. When something isn't recorded , you must give the system (AI) some time for processing in order for it to create a filter. Recorded content is much easier for the system to understand since more information is provided beforehand.
Filters for GIFs
This is technically nothing more than just a short clipping of a movie scene with audio removed. Here the process of creating a filter includes conversion of just emotion and context based on only one aspect of cinema ,i.e video. In some cases , if the GIF had been created from a footage with audio, process of conversion becomes effortless as there will be two inputs like always. The input is same as the output which is nothing but just video.
Physical Visualizers
The advantage of bringing the visual system into the physical world can help viewers experience cinema in a much better way even at home. The visualizers act as visual stereos amplifying the effect that is shown on the screen. The visualizer harnesses the exact same parameters as the digital system , but is a tactile device that can be installed or carried anywhere based on your convenience. It serves the same purpose as a stereo, but for visuals. While many people watch a movie on a pad or television at the same time , they can casually rely on this device as it can extend the reach of the visual queue. Users no longer would have to pay closer attention to the queues when they are very far away from the screen.
A visualizer placed in front of an entertainment set . This technique is aimed at creating a better cinematic experience for viewers who watch movies at home.
How can we use 3 dimensional representations of the system ?
3-dimensional representations of the exact same visual filters ,that can be used in different devices. Real time mobile applications can exploit Artificial Intelligence to bring in some of these digital assets into live videos. The filters could be used not just for movies but also for visualizing context for music and other art forms that have deep emotions attached to it . With the use of such a unified visual system even still images and GIFs could become more engaging and fun to look at
Challenges for AI
While having filters created for real time digital content , it will be difficult to provide a layered visual with more information. In such cases, It will be challenging to provide instantaneous feedback through the use of Artificial Intelligence for creating a separate layer for context. In all other previous scenarios we had just recorded content with both audio and video inputs.
Partially layered visuals
Samples of how the partially layered visual simulators would look for a music app. It does not just visualize the audio-waves but also provides context and communicates emotion even for a song. This prototype might be very useful for people to enjoy songs without knowing the language it was written in. For songs with lyrics, language becomes a barrier since it is wordy. But context and emotion can be delivered just by going through the script.
Filters for music
Numerical representations
An approach where numbers can replace the colored shapes denoting intensities. The chart shown below tells us how a specific part in any recorded digital content could be merely represented by numerical values for expressing scene intensities. This is of course the number used along with the starting letter of the color ( R,G,B,Y ).
Having such notations can lead to a much simpler way to give movies better ratings . The cumulative result or the average of all values will obviously give the film critique or movie maker an idea as to what the movie is like from start to finish in terms of emotions. Only the average result is provided to movie-goers since handing out this information would spoil the thrill of watching a film.
From the chart shown above one can clearly infer that ,there are different degrees of warmth at the start of the content. Just as time progresses , a change in both the color and intensity is observed . A change from warmth to grief , to rage before it spawns back to its initial state of context. This is just a summary of the varying intensity levels of just the overall context in a film. So having this information gives anyone a vague idea of whether a film is meant for a certain group of viewers or not.
The movie cover shown above has a rating R3 ,which means there are more red dots corresponding to the third level of intensity ,which makes it a violent movie. Generally the yellow or blue dots with mild intensity levels are neglected for adult rating purposes. Movie ratings are specified mainly for violence , extreme grief and vulgarity.